Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Bleed out

My head is empty and my heart screams for justice
Thoughts are too confusing to comprehend.
My heart just makes sense when I listen to it closely.
My head then resists to let the heart bleed one last time.

Your love can only take over this deepness that resides.
My heart can't take the pain anymore it cries.
Hard into the night, I can't seem to lie.
To my heart that screams so hard and uncontrollably.

What is that I've done to deserve this pain?
What makes sense is the longing that remains,
In my heart, I can't escape the deep.
It's the deep that calls out to deep.

One last time I will scream out,
But this time from my mouth and not my heart.
I want to grasp all that's for me in this life
and lead a future into the most perfect destiny.

I must give up the pain at night and lay everything at my bed side.
Only He can save me through it all.
Deep within my heart I still hold on,
but it doesn't matter when it was defeated over 2,000 years ago.

Why do I keep listening to the pain of nothing in my head from my heart?
Why don't I let it go and be strong?
I'm reminded, I am only human and I make mistakes,
but my heart wasn't made in mistake because He knows me.

So let it go, I say to my soul.
Let all that wrong pain subside and dissipate.
Let it go forever from my heart and let my head understand.
It was never my fault or pain to take at first.

Let it go and realize that I was made for Glory.
Let it run out and bleed one last time.
Let the rivers flow and the tide rise high
and this time I won't drown when He is there right by my side.

So now, I have a story.
A story that can't be changed, but told.
A story that lives on from bitter to better
and my life changed, made new in His perfect plan and hands.

-J.Davis 9/23/09

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