Monday, September 21, 2009

Falling Up

I had this revelation about a favorite song of mine. If you get a chance, look up the band Falling Up. Their song I had a revelation on is called, Broken Heart. Here are the lyrics:

In this moment synchronized inside
Words that paint the legacy of life
A different picture will unfold
A healing finds it's way through
Sifted times I take another breathe,
With the ambience of nothing left
So heal my heart, rain down Your love, these waters bring me back to life

Father, Healer
Deliever me from broken love
Stay here, Closer
Let me hear Your voice of love

There's a healing calling from the wind
There's a Healer waiting to begin
In timeless places, traced and faceless will I learn to let go
Take me to the heights where Love controls,
Far away from home but feels so close
This empty heart of mine will fall inside and bring me back to life

Father, Healer
Deliver me from broken love
Stay here, Closer
Let me hear Your voice of love

You can hold
You can mend
You can heal
You can break, I hold cause something etched this way

Saviour, Redeemer
Bring me to this place of Peace
Jesus, guardian
My broken heart is so in need

Originally, I fell in love with this song when my father left my family and I was 16 years old. I was at one of the lowest points in my life. I wanted to hide everyday I got home from high-school. I wanted to kill myself. I really did. I wanted to get away and not experience life anymore. I happened to stumble across this song one day on the radio and I loved it. I went to the store and bought the CD and popped the dang thing in my CD player in my car and rocked out to the entire CD. It made driving easier and made me get into a good song.
Just a few months ago, I had a relationship in my life end and I cranked this song on again, but it was blaring from my laptop speakers this time. So, I went from being hurt from my own father to having a close relationship end and this was the song that held me together with Jesus. I rocked out to the song again. I danced my tears away. Little did I realize at the time that God held my tears in a bottle.
Now, I put the song again the other day and I had this huge revelation. So, I looked up the lyrics to study them closely. I started to feel my jaw drop and then I let the tears well up in my eyes. My heart got touched for real this time.
The love that the artist sings about in Broken Heart is about the love that in the world that God can save us from and then in turn give us the perfect love. It's about getting everything you need and more from the Father. God is the satisfier of our souls and He wants to be the lover of our souls. When we encounter life and get disappointed, we encounter broken love. Through that brokenness in the world's love, we sometimes don't know where to turn and get healed and move on. However, there's a better hope. That hope of healing is from God. The song sings about God being our Redeemer and giving us peace in a good, positive state of God's love.
This song doesn't give me the same feeling as it did before. It will never be a song about how my heart was broken and I needed mending again. It's not about love you find on earth. People disappoint you. God will never disappoint you. This time my heart got so deep in God's love that I will always listen to this song with hope and excitement from now on. My heart will forever be swept away in a closer love and healing waters. God is etched in my heart forever.

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