Thursday, November 26, 2009

My heart for a Generation

I have so much bubbling up inside of me that I want to share just a small portion of it. I have a heart to see all taken care of and know how special they are. I have a heart to see people made great in their hearts. I have a lot that pours out from revelations of God, because it says in the book of Revelation that God will pour out His revelations to people in the end days in their hearts. Once we get revelations inside our hearts, we can bypass the fleshly mind and get it deep inside our souls. That's God's intentions all along.

So in this case..........
I am very sure that a lot of us, if not all of us, have gone through trials and seasons of heart issues, broken hearts, growth, hard work, pain and emotional hardship. It's not easy. I'm sure a lot of you don't know that you are going through a hard time because you've been going through it so long. On the other hand, a lot of you don't realize that these trials and hardships you're going through are to grow you. Don't forget that life isn't about staying in one spot forever. It's about change and growth.

The interesting thing about trials and walking through "the desert" for periods of time in your life, is not brought on by God and you aren't getting punished for something. We often don't realize how much we actually operate in this lifetime outside of the will of God. And every time we step outside of God's will for us, He is right there to pick up the pieces and help us get back on track and grow. So, instead of blaming God for your hardships, you might want to check out your own heart. I'm not lecturing, I'm stating a fact. I learned it. I learned that a God of the most high priesthood can not be a God of hurt, pain and disorder. He is a God of love. He loves us through the trial and like I said, He picks up the pieces as we keep stumbling and walking.

Something that I have gone through and something that I feel led to share about to you readers is about boy-friend and girl-friend relationships.
Gasp! ---- some of you may be like, "What does she have to say about that?" or "What does she know?" or "Why this subject?" Well, this subject has been on my heart for some time and the impressions and words are coming from God alone and I want to be transparent with readers. It's some thing I have learned extremely well this summer.
So, the Lord spoke to me a lot about relationships and He had me read some really great and inspiring books about relationships and dating. However, the whole time I was researching and trying to understand both sexes and the relationship parts of them, I couldn't get an answer to one question. "How do I go about finding that one person?" Well, God spoke to me clearly through my personal time with Him and through some awesome, encouraging people. God told me that He will take care of that. He asked me, "Why are you in hurry?" To be honest guys, I couldn't answer Him. The first thing I thought of was, "God, I just want to be in Your presence and serve You." God spoke back to me and said, "Jenelle, then your soul will be satisfied and you have nothing to worry about in life." This was one day where I felt that I was getting restless in life and God just picked me up and refreshed me. This talk I had with God was just one of many and it showed me how powerful and all-mighty and a loving Father from Heaven I really do have.
God also spoke to me about how I view others. He spoke to me specifically about viewing guys. So, I was eating dinner one night a few weekends ago with some girl-friends and we were talking about life and how God was fitting into our lives. We began talking about how God fits into our lives when we meet that person. The girls began to tell me that they were going through some trials and not understanding things and they just decided to give up on it all and just leave it all to God. I was happy to hear that, because our rewards are greater when we do that. Yes, time and impatience can set it, but believe me, God is worth it when you allow Him to direct your steps. So, one of my dear friends told me some thing that God used to just penetrate my soul to the deepest levels. She said, "We should view the opposite sex (this goes for guys and girls) as brothers and sisters in Christ first before we enter into anything in regards dating and courting them." Soon as my friend said that, I felt like I got slapped in the face and something went deep inside my soul. It penetrated me like nothing other. Needless to say, I got a new pair of eyes for my soul that night when I was out to dinner.
Let me get more real ladies and gents. As Christ's followers, meaning if you've excepted Christ into your heart, you are a part of the Kingdom and a son/daughter of the Most High King ever, we need to view everyone we come in contact with as brothers and sisters in Christ. This needs to be the first and foremost mind set especially for this generation that are not married, those of us who are single and probably those of us who are in a relationship, whether it's dating or courting. Let's face it, when you get restless, it can lead to broken heart. When you get so restless and take things into your own hands that's when you start playing with fire and you will get hurt. I have some cuts, bruises and wounds from playing with fire and everything that goes along with it. Those wounds are not a remainder to put me down, but to be there to remind me that God is the healer of all wounds and He WILL TAKE CARE OF ME. Guess what?! He WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU TOO!
The real part ----- your heart is precious and God has someone out there for you. Don't worry. If you see all your friends around you getting into relationships, it doesn't mean there is something wrong with you. It means it's not your time yet, because it says in God's Word, that there is time and place for everything in due seasons. If you see your friends getting engaged, same thing applies. If you are single and feel lonely, turn that loneliness into a deep relationship with Christ, because He is the satisfier of our souls. If you don't know what you're doing in life, same thing applies again. God orders your steps and directs you, but you can't be running off doing your own thing and not pay the consequences of it. You need to be in the will of God and that's where you find your freedom and ultimate desires that can come to pass. Being in the will of God means trusting Him and not doubting Him. So, if you just trust God and act in His Will, you WILL BE FINE and taken care of. On the other hand, when you start doubting Him, like I have in the past, you operate right out of the Will of God. You need to be careful, because you can start to repeat the walk through the "desert" again and it could take you longer to get out. You need to grow. We all need to grow. It's a process that doesn't end. Growth in your soul is the most important thing ever. It defines who you are and your soul is what can except things and reject things to determine your actions in life.
My hope was to touch some hearts. My hope isn't to cause conflict or discord. My hope isn't to create debates on this blog either. My hope has been to share my heart for a people that I truly care about because the great commission is to love others and I truly want to do that, because you all are worth my time because you are worth God's time.
Please be encouraged and know that you are loved. If you feel that you are not, know that God loves you above all and I love you too, as my brothers and sisters in Christ. Be blessed and know that you are the crown of creation and Psalm 139 says you are specially made for and by God and you are worth it. Remember all, you are WORTH it.
Jenelle :0}