Thursday, October 1, 2009

Amor en espanol. Love in English.

I've been job searching since August. I finally have had some interviews at one place. I know this job is mine, but waiting around for that call back whether I have or not, can be nerve racking. So, in the mean time, God has been calling out to me. He has been speaking ever so softly and passionately to me. He's been loving me. I came to the conclusion that God needs to be loved back. The longing women have for their husbands needs to be implemented in the relationship that we should have with God. It's really true. We need to long for Jesus. Don't wrap your head around the humanistic view point and say, "Eww.. I'm suppose to be God's 'lover'?" Guess what! Yes, you are! But it's in a holistic and beautiful way between Jesus and you. It's suppose to be pure. I don't care if you're the pureist person in the world. We all tend to have fleshly tendencies. God is the ultimate of purest love. That's where we can be pure in life. And with God we have to throw all that humanistic view and view God from what He says He is and what the Bible says. God is to be our lover and Father. It's not complicated. It's quite simple. If you need to figure it out more, just press harder into God and His Word. He will show you when you trust Him completely. I promise, you won't be disappointed.
Let me leave you with this poem from my heart to yours.

I'm undone when I lay in Your arms.
I'm loved forever by your touch.
You're compassionate to the end.
You're forever mine and unchanging.

You're the God of the impossible.
You're the God of everlasting love.
I'm the child who is loved forever.
I'm the child you call out to, for time spent.

I'm the one wrapped in your touch.
I'm the one who doesn't need to strive to earn it.
You freely give it all away.
You're love lasts into eternity for always.

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