Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Daughter (Son)

Daughter Jenelle (insert your name),

When did I say I would let you go?
When did I tell you that I would give you pain?
Remember my promises say I'm the God of the impossible.

Where did my love go when I died for you?
Where did I go when I rose on that third day?
Remember my life was paid for your joy.

When did I say I would leave you?
When did I say I would never be by your side?
Remember I live inside of you.

Where does my unconditional love go?
Where am I when you feel all alone?
Remember my spirit gives you all of Me inside of you.

I love you child - remember I hold you at night.
I love you child - remember I catch your tears in a bottle.
I love you child - remember you sit in my hands.

I love you Jenelle - in your weakness, I am made strong in you.

You are precious and beautifully made.
Your soul sings joy and passion and pleases me.
Your very presence pleases me.
I watch and guide your steps for your destiny.
I hold you tight to my heart, because you are destined for greatest.
I love you Jenelle - in your weakness, I am made strong in you.

Author: J.Davis 10/20/09