Monday, November 9, 2009

Take His Harvest

Take the Harvest that has come.
Do not go in other directions and run.
Realize a time of change.
All His blessings can be seen in range.

J.Davis 11/4/09



Take thee far away.
Bring thy pedals to a destination.
Take thy colors and plant anew.
Let thee grow strong in new soil.
Let thee see thy sun's rays.
Remember thee Wind, of freedoms set anew now.

Appreciate thy sun's warmth.
For it makes all new.

J.Davis 10/21/09

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Let Not.

Let not others define who you are.
Let not circumstances determine your mood.

Let God determine your destiny.
Let hope arise to give you joy in Him.
Let peace overshadow your shaking hands.
Let His thoughts consume your mind.
Let Him hold you above everything.
Let not any hinder you!

J.Davis 9/28/09