Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I was born to fight - for the Kingdom. And so were You!

I was reminded of a verse from Matthew 11:12 and it says, "And from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force." This verse resonates in my heart so clearly that I need to share it. Well, Violence - it means an act of aggression or a physical overtaking. What if we apply that violent definition to taking God's Kingdom? What if we go forth with purpose, using our destiny from Christ, and take our swords up in our hands and fight for God? What's holding us back? What do we need to do to get to this point of violence? Well, God showed me the other day that we need to get in His love. Therefore, we can have some violent love going on here on earth. God's Kingdom is to be established here on earth, so we need to take all territory by force. The earth we live in is consumed by hatred, earthly violence, and all sorts of evil. As Kingdom steppers, we need to act on this and take territory on earth for our Father in Heaven. For example, if you have a heart for the business environment like I do, step up and put yourself in situations and environments where you can learn about business development and take on that mountain in the economy. It doesn't do us, the body, any good having people waste away the talent that God gave us by sitting on our butts watching television and complain about it. Just do something about it and quick complaining! God said you can do all things through Him who strengthens you. It's simple. Within the next year, I plan to do this. I'm taking back what has been stolen from our Kingdom. I plan on starting a coffee business and using the resources that God has given me, like my talents and knowledge from college, and tackling the business economy. I want to make my company known as God's and give God all the Glory for it. I can't guarantee that it will be easy, but what doesn't kill me, just makes me stronger. Furthermore, it's not about the end result of my business accomplishment, it's about the journal and making Jesus famous in the process. It's about learning to trust in God in everything I do through it. Through my process of building my company/ministry, I want to exercise violent love. The violence I'm taking about isn't the physical violence most people would think of. It says in the Bible, that we don't war against flesh and blood, but with spirits and principalities of this earth. We live in a spiritual world people, don't forget that. Therefore, we have to have our armor on everyday and walk out our door to go to the work or to school or for run/walk down in the neighborhood and be ready for a battle. I know I walk in a war zone everyday, so what's the point in just sitting around when I can fight everyday for God. We're never alone, so you can't be defeated. Remember who wins in the end. Revelations says we do. So run forth with purpose from Christ and go take on that uncircumcised Philistine that taunts you. Through that rock, like David did, and kill him. Annihilate who comes against Christ's Kingdom. Take your sword and be violent for Him. You're doing it in love by winning souls, but you shouldn't have pity on the devil and his army. Take everything back from force and see God move in your life like you've never seen it. We're suppose to be spiritual minded, but make sure you're earthly good too. Put your nose in the scriptures and get armored up for Him.
Personally, I got a word of knowledge and prophesy a few weeks ago. It was one of the most specific and most violent words I got. It was good and hit straight to my soul because it was God who only knew those things said to me that were about me. Parts of the prophesy that were so important to me and I found out to be a part of me since I was created by God in my mother's womb was, that God has set a specific anointing on me to war and battle for Him and the things/people I love on earth. I didn't realize that part about my personality until that night, I got this word. I have been told from people in my past, and recent past, that I get to passionate, or rough. People have always told me that I need to calm down and stop being so violent. In the past I took offense to that, but it says in God's Word to not take offense. If someone were to tell me that today, I wouldn't care. God created me perfect through Him, so why waste time listening to people who don't know their identity yet - Come on man! God birthed in me, since I was a baby, an anointing to fight for what I want in life and fight for His Kingdom. This doesn't exclude the body of Christ from fighting at all, it just means that the specific gifts that God places in us, like it says in Ephesians, we need to apply correctly and wholly in His purpose for the most effect usage of our Destiny. I've always wondered why every time I attend church, whether it's at my home church or at a sister church of mine, that I get jumping around, waving my hands, act like I'm fighting and battling and sit down for the sermon and ask God, "Why did I just do that?" God always said and reassured me, "Because you need to do that!" So, as long as I am pleasing my heavenly Father, nothing else matters at this point. I can look like the biggest weirdo in church, running around, jumping around or waling my arms around, but - all that matters is that I am battling for Christ and it pleases Him. Essentially all believes should be doing this, but that's just something I'm passionate about for my brothers and sisters in Christ.