Sunday, August 9, 2009


It's a word that revelates in my heart. There's this song that goes something like this, "I am my beloved's and He is mine." It's by Kim Walker. Just that simple line makes me feel good inside. The beloved that she references in her song is God. Kim Walker emphasizes that God is to be our love;our beloved. We're in a time and change of atmosphere in this world that God is calling His disciples to reach out in love in the world. It says we are to show and do the greatest commandment on earth as it is in heaven. That's love on another. To start, we have to look deep and dive hard into our own hearts to find that love. When we find that love in our spirits, we can then love God and others. So Kim Walker is right when she says that God is our beloved and we are His. It's all about relationship with Jesus Christ. He can be your anything and everything. For me, it's my Father. God is my Father and the relationship I have with Him is a Father to daughter relationship. However, at the same time, God says in His Word that we are His brides. When you think about that at first, it can get slightly confusing, but it's okay. I want to explain it a little bit in how God revealed it to me; in hopes that God can do the same for you. In the Bible, we are called to be God's brides and He is the bridegroom. Jesus is coming back one day and we need to be in receiving mode. We are to be ready, the bride and with open arms to receive the bridegroom; Jesus. This whole thing is enveloped in love. It's about a relationship with Christ. We're one with Him. It's the way a marriage is. One soul, knit together forever. That's pretty neat if you meditate on that. It's good stuff. So Kim Walker's song is a great song to listen to. If you get a chance, check her out online somewhere. It will bring you to tears, like it did to me.
Beloved just has this resounding code that hits my soul when I recent it in my thoughts or speak it out loud. It means a lot to me. My sister/friend Eleanor was a really great example of the word beloved. Eleanor taught me this summer that we are God's beloved first. She revealed to me, through God, that beloved is a love word too. It is to be a dear souled word used for intimate means. God called me from whence I was born to be intimate with Him. My beloved Jesus has called me back to Him ever since I was born. That's so powerful to me. So, all this talk about me trying to find someone in my life to love and be married to doesn't even compare to how much love God has for me and how much I am to be in love with Christ Jesus. God brought me to a place today, in my life, where my beloved is my one true love. I am truly to be my beloved's and He is mine. I've said this before, but God wants us to be in love with Him before we move on to our mate in life. God is awesome guys. God is faithful. God showed me that I can trust Him because He is faithful to me. Perfect love casts out all fear and within God, my love in the beloved, I am secure and I don't have to worry about my future. Perfect love is only in my Jesus. I hope that you have perfect love in Him too. I hope that you can aspire to get it. It's attainable. Nothing is too big for God and you in God.