Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Daniel Fast

I want to fast. This time I want to tackle some life decisions I have to make and trust God in everything. However, the fasting part comes in specifically to focus on getting closer with God. In the past, I did like weekly fasts or 30 day fasts and even lent in college, to take something out of my life for a time. I've done no sugar, no soda, no television, and all kinds of other stuff, but I did all these fasts in the past to make myself sacrifice something. I never once understood the true concept of fasting. It's suppose to be for God. Why was I doing it in the first place? Why did I pick no sugar or no soda? What was the meaning of it all? Well, I did it to sacrifice something that would help me loose a few lbs. It worked, but didn't last and sometimes I gave up. I even embraced the lent season in college. Often at Messiah College they have different cultural and spiritual events for you to take part in to feel included in the campus social realm. So, I did lent one time and took a brake for 40 days from myspace and soda. I don't have a myspace account anymore, and this was all of 3 years ago too. I didn't stop drinking soda after that and ironically, I didn't spend much time with Jesus. Wasn't I suppose to do that? Wasn't that the whole point?! Yeah, it was the point.
The point of fasting is to spend time with God and give up things to subtitute them with Jesus. I didn't realize that before. I was nieve - haha. The Daniel Fast has been on my heart for a good month. Today I decided to research it and read up on it. If you get a chance, you should read up on it too. It's interesting. You know, God never once says in the Bible to fast. We as Christians aren't required to do it to enter the Kingdom of Heaven or really be a part of this believer's family. No not at all. It's a personal choice, but God does specify that He wants us to spend time with Him. In Song of Solomons, God calls out to us and when we draw near to Him, He will in return draw near to us.
I've decided to start looking into preparing for the Daniel Fast. I have to figure out what the requirements are, what I can and can not do. I also will be praying about it and asking God how long He wants me to do it. That's a very key point. How long should I do it and what am I doing during it? This fast specifically focuses on eating only certain foods while focusing on spending more time with God. My adventure starts soon on this and I want to really press in and spend time with God more. It's important and good stuff.
So in conclusion, my encouragement for you all today - if you are searching for something, if you're wanting a deeper relationship with God, if you're searching for your purpose in life, spend time with God and see if He wants you to fast something and focus on Him. God wants you. He wants your heart. He wants your attention. He wants your life. He gave you life, lets give it back.
Blessings from my heart to yours :]

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