Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Don't lose the Hope found in His beauty

"Don't loose Hope, Jenelle," is what I heard when I woke up this morning. God revealed and spoke to me this morning before I even began my day. He knew that today would be different for me. He knew I would face some things that would bother me. He knew I would drink 4 cups of coffee and be sitting down writing a blog note at almost 10 o'clock at night. He just knew every thing about me. He knew I wanted to give up today on every thing and anything. God knew I rose this morning without hope. So, He woke me up to remind that my hope isn't to be lost, but to be found, rooted and established in Him.
Today was an easy, but hard day. I know both of those words are complete opposites, but that was my day. I didn't have much to do except go get a hair cut. The hair cut was relaxing and easy, but the hard part of my day was trying to find my hope. As I just sit here at the end of my day, God revealed to me scripture verses about hope. There's one that stuck out to me from the book of Psalms and its from Psalms 31:24. It says, "Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart, All you who hope in the Lord." There's quite a few verses in Psalms that are good to read about hope in the Lord and this one just stood out to me the most.
There were times today that I felt like I was hopeless. What I mean is that I feel like my future doesn't hold much for me. I feel used up, disappointed, hurt, wounded, and thrown aside. However, what I am reminded of the most is that God is my hope and in that hope in my Abba Father, I can be free and trust again. I think I've talked about trust before. It's hard to do if you have a past of betrayel, hatred and mistrust from people who have hurt you. That was me long ago it seems, but now, my hope is to be found in a being that doesn't or hasn't betrayed, hurt, wounded or thrown me aside ever.
It's a time of strengthening my heart. Really, this season that God has placed me in has been a very initmate season. It says in Song of Solomon 4 that God longs for His bride. He wishes to stare at our eyes, see our faces and hear our voices. It's been a season of big change for me and the biggest is being called to love God on a deeper and romantic level. In this level of covenant with God, trust and hope are established. It's just mind blowing to me. As I sit hear at my laptop and desk, I can't fathom this whole thing. I think I know how I am loved and where my hope is found, but I don't have the slightlest little inkling. I know it, but I need to KNOW it for sure. That knowing feeling needs to be so deep that I don't sit here again and write about how bad I felt today.
In 1 John, God says I am an overcomer. Today was a day of overcoming doubt and fear personally. I have nothing to fear really, because my hope is in Christ alone. That is where my trust should be grounded. It's hard man. We all have pasts that tell a specific story, but it's time that I rise up and forget the past. Sometimes the past can creep up and try to dictate how I feel or what I should feel and those are assignments that kingdom of hell have for me, but the Kingdom of Heaven knows my future so that's it. That's it! It's finished when Christ died on the cross. My pain, sorrow, hopelessness, doubt, fear, loneliness and more were finished and taken from me. God did it long ago. Why do I feel I need to face hopelessness everyday then? I'm only human. I'm not perfect. We all aren't perfect. So there's going to be days were we fall and don't make the cut of the day, but it's okay because God rescues us.
I know today Jesus rescued me. I know He became my hero today. He swept me up today in His arms and loved on me in our quiet time together. He became my hero today and it felt good.

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