Thursday, July 9, 2009

Many changes, healings and prophecies

Since my last blog, God has done some awesome things in my life and in others. I've been to Vermont and back to Albany in a week and I've changed so much in just that time period. God moved me into a great understanding of confidence in Him and in life. I've grown up with a lot of insecurities. Really, who hasn't though?! And God has been revealing to me that He can make up for my short-comings and comfort me when I fall and mess up in life. Ultimately for everyone, I believe that every one's confidence should be based in Christ Jesus. If we all had that then everyone would be encouraging each other and everyone wouldn't have "lows" in their lives. Ultimately, God is our extreme "high." He should be our "high."

I've changed also for the better. I've become a different person since the beginning of June. In the beginning of June I was afraid to witness to people and bring them into the Kingdom of Heaven, but now I don't back down. I view witnessing and evangelizing as pulling people out of the Kingdom of darkness and pulling them into the Kingdom of eternal life! It's all about saving people and help them realize God is the ultimate saviour and redeemer of our faith. I've noticed that I have grown to love God more while I've been on this ministering team; based out of Tampa Bay, Florida. IAM ministries is an awesome organization that pushes people out of their comfort zones and wins people for Christ. I am honored to be a part of a body of evangelizers that focuses on God everyday and gives everything and thanks to God. My life is my testimony to Christ that I am His child and saved by His blood shed just over 2,000 years ago.
Another part of my summer that I have had the privilege and awesome time of doing is seeing and being a part of miracles. While my team and I were in Vermont just a week ago, we were evangelizing in the streets of Montpelier, VT. We were right in the heart and capital of VT too. We started evangelizing around 7pm in Montpelier and we ended around 9:30pm. Around 7:30 one of our leaders, "Red", stoped an elderly man on the side of the road in the capital and he asked the old man if he knew Jesus. The old man, Robert as we came to find out his name, was heading into Montpelier Vermont to kill himself at 10pm by jumping into the river because he didn't know how to swim and he had nothing else to live for; so he thought. However, Red and God had more ideas up their sleeves because Robert became saved in 5 minutes and his entire continuous and behaviour changes in 5 minutes. God worked a miracle in this 70 year old man. When Robert said that he was getting tons of revelations that God was really there with us and that God loved him, Robert asked for prayer and some tracks we had to give out to his family and friends when he went home. After we gave Robert some tracks and a bottled water, we prayed for him and his back, which was hurting him from a 22 mile walk that day, was healed. His spine straightened up, he felt it move and his back became firm. He stood taller and he was already about 6 feet tall. He had glasses on his face and as he began excepting the healing anointing from God, his eyes got healed and he could read a sign that was across the street in the capital without his glasses. Also, his cataracts and floaters in his eyes were gone. He could also hear better. He was struggling when we talking to him about Jesus in the beginning, but he could hear clearing again, as if he was young. God downloaded a new man into this 70 year old body. His life was altered by Christ Jesus alone and he received eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven. This was all because God told us to evangelize that night. If we weren't obedient to Christ's voice to evangelize to people, may be Robert wouldn't have been saved, literally, that night. I'm not preaching condemnation or guilt, I'm preaching about accountability in evangelizing and witnessing to others on earth for salvation. It was awesome to see this miracle because it was a faith builder for me too. God showed me His love poured all out and over Robert that night in Montpelier, Vermont.
The last thing I want to share is about prophecies. It says in the Bible in the NT that God gives people the gift of prophecy and everyone can do it. Some people are specifically prophets too. Also, it says in Acts that we are to test our prophecies and check with whom they were given from. Basically, we need to see if a prophet is aligned with the Word of God and is truly hearing from God and not from himself or worldly spirits. One way you can know whether a prophecy is from God is if it's encouragement to the people, if it lifts up the people and if it aligns with the Word of God. A lot of false prophets, even today, may encourage people, but they slide their own agenda in their preaching and guilt the people into things. That's not of God when prophets cause condemnation or guilt in the people of God. So be careful! One thing that God has been showing me this entire time of ministry in the IAM organization, is that God loves me. Even when I ignore His words or "feelings" towards me, God tells me it through His people. For example, last night at one of our revival meetings at Victory Church in Albany, NY, God used one of the girls from the Toronto School of ministry team to tell me that God loves me and that God is my ultimate provider. This girl, Hannah, was used by God as a vessel to speak to me. In the New Testament, it says that God will use His people to be a living vessel to reach the broken harded. God used Hannah to speak to me that my Abba Father loves me and will forever take care of me in my earthly life. I've learned a lot from God when He speaks to His people. This happens when I usually get frustrated and tired and I totally miss God's voice. God somehow still gets His thoughts and "feelings" to me even when I can be burned out in life.
I want to encourage you and let you, my readers, know that God loves you. That's something that I am still revelating on and learning more and more about Jesus Christ. Jesus desires a relationship with us and desires us to love Him first above all earthly things and work in His anointing to reach others in love too. God loves You! I pray that you are reached with His love from this and know that I love you, readers, too because God commissioned us all to love one other as if you love yourself. I love me because God loves me, therefore, I love you and the people in my life because God loves them too. It's good loving cycle; isn't it?!

Blessings - Jenelle.

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