Friday, June 26, 2009

My heart for Him

Today the A-team was sent out by the I.A.M ministries. I.A.M is located in Tampa Bay, Florida, but the local church, where training took place this year of 2009, was in Albany, NY at Victory Christian Church. I wasn't sure if I was clear with that last time I wrote. So anyway, the team is in Vermont and we're safe. We are in Burlington, VT and it's beautiful out here. It's greener than New York! We are so very blessed by John Giroux. He owns a beautiful home that is housing all 10 of us A-teamers. All 5 ladies sleep on the 2nd and 3rd floors and the boys sleep in the re-finished basement. John Giroux has a 10,000 sq foot home that sits gently on the top of this road called, Tiffany Lane. There is definitely room to breathe here. Did I mention we have our own bathrooms? Well then, I mentioned it. To a girl, that's a dream!
So anyway, I have discovered how much the Lord really loves me. I've discovered how important it is to spend time with the Lord every day and how important I am to Him. Christ's love is full that it's indescribable. I can't even expound upon the idea of Christ's love for me and for you! Something that has really set right within my spirit, while traveling and being on A-team, is the love of the Father and His unconditional love for me. No one else can take His place within my soul. No one else can make me feel special or more pretty in His eyes. No one else can touch my heart and soul like Him. I am forever wrapped into my destiny in Christ. I am forever promised the desires of my heart. I am forever changed because of His love that is in me.
His love is also over flowing. His love is suppose to be shared with others. We are suppose to inhabit the Father's love so deep that no matter comes our way, we can share it and give it to others. For example, when you go out on the streets to evangelize and witness to people, you must keep in mind that the Father's love is the thing that will hold them tight. It's the Father's love that will keep them safe and secure in all that they do. It's the Father's love that can save them from hell. It's the Father's love that saved us over 2,000 years ago on that wooden cross. It's the Father's love that flows in every saved person. It's the love unconditional spread to touch people's lives and uplift them and keep them in right alignment their lives.
There are a few types of love that a lot of people experience on earth and sometimes people don't even get in touch with the Father's love. For example, some women experience a "love" with a significant other and they "fall in love" with that man in their life. Until one day, just may be, that loved one doesn't love them back and divorce can follow or a big brake-up of a relationship can follow. All of a sudden they experience pain and frustration. (You can insert a man loosing a woman too in this case as well.) All of sudden their person has left and they want that love back. They want that love, that they always thought they would have, back. They want to be loved back. They want that touch and feeling of hope. They just want it to make sure they would never be alone. Well, women (and men) can have that. They can have the love that is forever there and will never leave your side. It's the realization of the Father's love. The intimate Father's heart in their soul and body. Christ died on the cross for them and all Christ wants is their love back. The unconditional love we can receive from the Father's heart is one of a kind and full of hope. It's full of LIFE! It's passion without earthly things. It's breath in your lungs and it's life to muscles. It's true and TRUTH. It's the only passionate love you will ever have in your entire earthly life that with never leave you, nor forsake you. It's the Father's love.
I want people to know that everyone is entitled to it. You don't have to do anything to gain it. Like in relationship that required so much of your time, but instead you don't have to do anything because Jesus is already in love with us! He LOVES US! HE LOVES ME! HE LOVES YOU! I hope you have that. I hope you know that!
Moreover, when we get that down, we don't need anything else because the Father will take care of us. In the Bible it says to, "cast your cares upon Him and He will direct you in all your paths." When we love Jesus back, we can cast our cars on Him and He will be there to help us through life. A lot of people think that we only find love in relationships, but that's backwards. We find love in Jesus. There's a saying that goes like this, "A women's heart should be so wrapped up in Jesus that a man must go to Jesus first to find it." That's powerful! It goes the same way for men. Men also need to have their hearts wrapped up in Jesus so that they can meet their bride.
I hope to one day find someone that loves Jesus so much and looks to Christ for everything, that I don't have to worry about a thing. All I have to do is honor God for now and He will direct my paths and give me the desires of my heart forever. -Amen.
Blessings readers.

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