Friday, July 10, 2009


God has been working in me the past couple of days. I've attended the nightly ministry services at Victory Church in Albany, NY, with the thought that I would praise God, listen to some awesome sermons or testimonies, then go to bed feeling refreshed for the day. Well, it's not that simple. God wants to wreck His people. Wreck means being completely controlled by God and allowing my body, soul and mind being taken over by the Holy Spirit. Dudes, I want to be wrecked so hard in God that people have to know God to come and find me. This past week our nightly services have been at a point of being wrecked in the Holy Spirit. Through the Holy Spirit and "new wine", I have learned how the love of the Father is so real that I don't need anything in life to keep me happy.
I submitted my will over to Holy Spirit and allowed Him to engulf me in His love. That's where I have learned my identity is in. My identity is in Christ. I am dead and only alive in Christ. My will is something that God gave me and doesn't go against. That's the very thing we have to submit though, if we want good things and results to happen in our lives. I want God to take over this dead body and just let me a flowing vessel for him.
The breakthough I speak specifically that has been taking place in my life has been in regards to the true love in life. True love doesn't exist dudes. You can say it all you want to the one you love right now. If you love someone it can't be true. It's only true when you love God first and love others. It says in the Bible to love others as much as you love yourself. We need to choose to love others and God as much as we, obviously, love ourselves. True love doesn't exist, unless you have the honest idea about what love is = God. Let's get real people. I mean everyone says I think I found my soul mate. Our soul mates should be Jesus Christ alone! When we get that realization we will then find our "mate" that God has intended us to be with on earth. If you think about it, when we go to heaven, we don't need anything, but Jesus! I just keep getting downloads of God's love to me. I know this is meant to be a testimony to others, so I can share about it.
I was worshipping the other night and I was having a hard too. We have a saying on A-team about how we can "fake it, until we make it." We can fake worshiping God or something until we actually mean it. We have to again submit our wills to God and just be engulfed in him. Our will turned over to God then we can just submit easier and be free from the worldly influence on earth and just live out God in us. It's all good in the hood, literally here in Albany.
Within the love download that God has been giving me, I am also understanding and getting more revelation on Abba Father. I have to say that I'm sick of people saying that God is this or God is that and not understanding who He is. He is our Father. He is our provider. He is our lover. He is our Daddy. He is our Papa. He is our everything. When are people going to understand that God isn't just someone who sits on His throne and watches us from time to time. He doesn't just sit there, scratch his head, and wonder why we make mistakes. God is THERE in the midst of our troubles catching every tear that we shed on earth. He's THERE catching us when we fall and sin. He's THERE! He's HERE in our hearts! He died on the cross to give us live. He didn't do that out of pity, but instead He did that out of love and compassion. He loves us. Who do you know that would go through suffering and die on a cross for you. I bet you NO ONE! So, if someone who died on a cross for us, loves us so much, then why do still today just go on in our daily lives, just living life and not paying attention to who God is? Why do we ignore the ever present God? Let's get real, God doesn't leave us. His promises are every day for us. They're there for us to grab and hold onto and never let go. God is the only one that will never let you down! He will never forsake us. He loves us.
Blessings to you readers.

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