Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Lover of my Soul

This past week God has been showing me who He is to me. It says in this very famous Christian song from Hillsongs United, that Jesus is the lover of my soul. Jesus is suppose to be our everything on earth, because that's what He is in heaven when we die from earth and have eternal life. God is provider too. When I think of the word provider, I think of giving money and security. Well basically, God is that for His lovers, but God can't be contained in a box and limited. He is limitless with His promises to us. With the title provider, God provides us life. In our lives on earth, he can provide us with His unconditional love, support, security, advice, and much, much more. Through this revelation of God being my lover, He has also shown me what it is like to have confidence in life and of all in Him. God is the first being that I go to for anything. If I am struggling with something, God already know, but He wants me to turn to Him in the very present time of need and trouble. God showed me that He wants me wrapped in Him first before I can move on in my life. When I talk about moving on in life, I talk about my future mate. God is showing me how love is suppose to be with Him, so that I know what love is when He sends me my beloved on earth to spend the rest of my life with him.
I would totally encourage you readers to find what true love is in Christ before you go off and make mistakes and rush love. My dear friend on A-team, Camilla, told me to not rush love. She means to let God take control of my life and be my lover before I take my own will and give it away to someone who could hurt me. I want God to love me back first too. He will bring me to my beloved and I will be pleased and happy in life because it's God controlled. He is the ultimate lover of my soul and provider. I have nothing to worry about with God in my life. I love Jesus!
Blessings :o}

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