Sunday, May 31, 2009


I'm taking a digital photography class from a local community college. It's very time consuming. I didn't realize it when I signed up for the class. Actually, it was out of desperation that I take this class and get a good grade in it because my degree depends on it. It's basically my last class I have to take to fulfill 3 credits for my bachelor's degree. It's all good. I'm being blessed and I'm actually learning a lot. My online professor is hard. She's a tough cookie. 

On another note, I've downloaded Adobe Photoshop for Windows XP on my laptop. It's pretty awesome. I'm using it for all of my assignment in my online class. Mostly, it's resizing photos that I have to worry about. It's a great program and even better on a Mac. I used Photoshop on a Mac in one of the Mac labs on my college campus. I was taking a general education computer digital art class there and I dropped it because it was too intense. The professor was teaching the class to a bunch of art students and I wasn't up to par to follow. The professor even told me so. That's why I dropped the class and picked up an online one for summer and finish my degree. The online one is easier and nicer. I'm learning quite a bit.

So today, it was just my sister and I that went to church. My mom wasn't feeling well and she was tired from a long week of work. My mom works about 6 days a week. She's in the banking and loan industry. She's a hard worker and deserves some time to rest and take tons of naps. Well, church was good today. It was different without my mom there. I'm use to having her present at church all the time. Regardless, I was able to enjoy my church family's company and honor God. I got to chat a little with my pastor; he's an awesome pastor. My pastor and his wife are like a mom and dad to many people. They're open, loving and fun people. God has blessed me with them in my life.

So my day is ending with editing photos in photoshop. It's alright, because I predict I will have a good A on my second photo assignment that's due tomorrow at noon. I'm excelling greatly in more knowledge and depth of understanding things and ideas. God is good!

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