Saturday, May 30, 2009

Coffee in hand on an over-sized chair

I'm sitting in my living room in my house. I live with my sister and mother in the capital district of New York. I love where I live currently. I've moved twice in my entire life. I grew up in the helderbergs of Albany County NY. Most of my memories can bring me back to the ranch styled, blue house my parents built when I was just a baby. The country side always reminds me of my first home. Now today, I live in the country-side city. It's a diverse mix of blue-collared people and lad back country-city folks. I'm a walk away from a grocery store, department store and a Starbucks. It makes me very happy. Less gas in my car and more cash in my pocket. 

I was just thinking about where I have come today. I'm wondering where I will be even in 3 or 5 months. I really don't have a clue. I think the concept of "flying by the seat of your pants" really is great; for me right now. I love that saying. My wish is to get rid of the "planning" of my life and just enjoy what life I have now and stop worrying about my future. The future will come and I need to enjoy the present. My present involves getting a job this fall. That's going to be slightly complicated because I'm looking for a specific job. I keep telling my family and friends that I want to work at Starbucks. Hey - if I want to be bigger than them one day, I need to study them now - right?! Well, my plan for now and this summer is to complete my service learning trip that I have for 9 weeks and look for a job at one of Starbucks' coffee shops locations in my area. I'm hoping to work at a very close, local one within 15 minutes of my house, because I don't want to spend so much money on gas and I want to save as much as possible in my pocket. It's possible. Very possible, if I put my mind to it and practice it.

I'm currently reading a book by a financial advisor and great man, Dave Ramsey. The book is called, "The Total Money Makeover." Dave Ramsey speaks about debt and how debt is just ingrained in the American Dream in the United States. He speaks to his readers in such a way that it will get you to realize and speak out loud that you have a money problem and he can help you fix it. I'm convinced this book with change my life drastically and impact my life in such a positive way. I've already come to the conclusion that I have a money problem and I don't know how to spend my bucks wisely. That's the first step - it's the mind understanding the matter of spending and saving your hard earned money. It's quite good - the book is I mean. It's a reference guide for my future. I didn't buy it. One of the couples in my church gave it to me. It was an awesome graduation gift. Quite possibly the best one I could ever receive for me and my future.

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