Thursday, May 28, 2009

After Graduation

It has been almost 2 weeks since I've graduated from Messiah College. I can't believe it's been 5 years since I graduated high-school. Furthermore, I can't believe my under-graduate career is over! It's very surreal and breath-taking at the same time. I've learned many things while obtaining my degrees at two different colleges and I have experienced a lot in my 5 years of under-graduate studies. I've gained many new friends that I plan on keeping in contact with forever. I have wonderful people that have touched my life in so many ways, just by meeting them in my early 20's. I've appreciated the time I have had thus far in my life. Christ has blessed me and I really feel that He has lead me to a new season in my life. Change is hard.

The biggest change I had was walking across the stage to accept my diploma. That was interesting. It was a monumental time in my life. It was the acceptance of change. As soon as I took the diploma out of my college President's hands, I was accepting a change in my life that would lead and direct my life into adulthood. It was scary, but I plan on embracing it. The embracing part means walking a path that has already been set for me; by God. At times I will want steer away from God's plan, but I have to stay the course and persist.

Today, I've decided that I am ready to make my dreams come true. I have always wanted to open my own coffee business one day. I want to be bigger than Starbucks. Some of you may say that could be impossible, but I choose to believe that God can make the impossible in man's world, possible by God in man's world. I choose to take the Jesus road and accept miracles and blessings in my life. I will choose to follow a Dad that has always provided for me. I know Christ will provide for me for the rest of my life. Christ promises He will, if you acknowledge Him in all your ways, He will direct your paths. That's an awesome scripture verse to know and memorise if you haven't already. Just sit back and read that in your Bible. The verse comes from Proverbs 3:6, "In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths." It's powerful when you chew on it.

I've recently ended an important relationship in my life. He was a guy that meant a lot to me too. We decided to part our separate ways because our love for each other was on different levels. We are still friends and I would count him as one of my closet. He has always been there for me and he told me he will always be there for me in the future. I know he will be, but it's going to take some time to heal from our hurts of letting each other go. I know that I was suppose to let him go, but I had a hard time doing it. I was in love, however. Some times you have to let go of the things you love the most to realize what's important to you, around you and for you.Including letting the other one realize that too. Needless to say, I'm doing fine.

I've gotten a new outlook on life right now. I hate saying it, but I'm single for the first time in 25 months. I'm young and full of passions and dreams for my life. Like I said earlier, I want to own a coffee shop someday. In my mind, I plan to start that business within the next 2 years. I know it sounds ambitious, but it is quite possible. Anything is possible with Christ.

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