Monday, August 24, 2009


It's been almost a week and I've enjoyed myself immensely. My friend Corey has this amazing house that is filled with God's presence all the time. They have this room upstairs that is called the music room and Carley, Corey's little sister, plays the piano, drums and jimbays in there. It's kind of like wide open spaces and you can move around and enjoy yourself just listening to Carley play. So, Washington is quite different from what I expected. It's like a whole different culture out here on the West Coast. There is so much creativity out here too. For example, people have a different type of dressing out here. It's like mod-European inspired. It's like walking into an artist drawing and painting room with a white sheet and coming out with designed, colorful and patterned clothes. I love it!!! It's hip and eclectic. My type of stuff. I just have to play around with the style and find out what fits me most. It's all about bright colors and patterns that stand out in a good way. Carley is my inspiration for it. She's so hip and cute. I'll bring that inspiration back with me to the East coast and try it out. I love being artistic and eclectic. My creativity was hidden for a while and I'm just starting to realize that I can express it through cool and hip clothing. It's good when you find identity in Christ because you start to discover different things that you didn't know you liked or desires you had in you. They start to surface and it's a great thing.
I went to Pike's Place Market on Saturday. It was beautiful! It was a dream come true because I've always wanted to visit the original Starbucks and I did! I got some pictures of it and I was just taking in everything I was seeing. The market there was really cool. I could picture myself going there every Sunday and meeting new people and just sitting and talking with them. I really felt like I was in a movie too. I felt like I was being watched as I walked through the market and the market park. There's a place where tons of people just sit around behind the coblestoned walk area and just sit and chill. There are some street performers, like in NYC, and there are some people walking their pets and some eating their street food. Seattle doesn't have that creepy vibe you get from when you visit NYC. Seattle is like an open door with no limits and NYC is like a closed door where everyone has to be a certain way or else. I officially like Seattle better than NYC. I would move to Seattle one day if I could to live her for about a year or two. It's really breathtaking and heart warming.
God has really been blessing me this summer. He's really blessing my socks right off. I've grown to appreciate and love God so much because He is so faithful to me. He told me because I've been faithful to Him this summer and in my past that He would bless my socks off. So, I'm walking in that prophecy and promise He has given me. This season is a season of fun and searching for what He has for me. I know seasons come and go, but I want to make sure I don't take it for granted or misuse this opportunity that God is giving me. I'm so thankful for everything He has done for me and is doing for me. My heart has been readied for so many things and I can't wait for what is instore for me next.

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