Friday, August 21, 2009

Sleepless in Seattle

Well, I'm technically in Marysville Washington just 45 minutes north of Seattle, but I love the play on words. If you've ever watched the movie, Sleepless in Seattle, you will remember the story line of Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. Meg Ryan was an engaged young woman who had everything going for her; however. She was missing something in her life. She felt a part of her heart wasn't complete yet. Now on the other side, Tom Hanks was a widowed father who was constantly reminded of his love for his deceased wife. The movie was about finding love, in its truest form and reaching out and taking risks to find that one person; in Tom Hanks world, it was to find the person again that could complete him and his son's life too. I woke up this morning 9:30 west coast time, and was reminded of this movie, filmed in 1993. However, I got a revelation about it. It's neat, so hold time and keep reading :)
I'm sitting outside of a friend's house in Marysville, Washington. If you can imagine, I'm sitting on a deck facing Seattle and the Baker Mountains. I see trees separating land lines of houses and beautiful tall flowers and bushes that are as high as me, when standing 5'8" on the ground. It just rained this morning and I'm able to smell the hint of sea salt in the air and I can hear absolutely nothing, but some cars passing by on the highway and streets of Marysville. I can also hear a few birds singing in the trees and flying to and fro from their nests and respective favorite trees. I can see God's creation all over and this movie keeps me writing and thinking about God.
God revealed to me that I am in Seattle Washington for a reason. Not only am I to be here for fun and relaxation at a great friend's house, but I am here to deposit something and gain something in return. The main ingredient of it all is love. The love isn't about what Jenelle can leave or gain, it's about the Father's love. Now, in the movie, Sleepless in Seattle, Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan were searching for their own love and it took a while for them to actually find it. It happened to be in Seattle. I realized that I am very similar to their stories in the movie, but there is one defining element that is different. That's the love of Abba Father from Heaven. I'm sitting outside on a deck just thinking about how much God loves me. In all honesty, I was made for His Glory. I was made to be loved and to give love away. I'm so loved that I can't escape the fact that I am in love with God and I didn't need to search the world to find it. I just observed what the world had, like nature, and I can see the love that God poured out on earth to create it. In regards to human beings, we're always in need of love and affection, so what perfect opportunity than to actually come to a point of passionate love for my Heavenly Father than right now. I'm actually in Seattle Washington and I didn't need to find love in a person to get love. God's love is always there for me and its unconditional. That's the crazy part. In the movie, Meg Ryan was trying to find love and it was always based on conditions for her in the movie. That's where she was confused and upset. She was looking for love and couldn't find what would fill her. Her filler was Tom Hanks in Seattle. My filler isn't in anyone, but Jesus Christ.
What's also funny is that I'm sitting here on my friend's deck outside in the cool crisp Seattle air and I'm playing with my hair that is long and blonde. In the movie Meg Ryan also had long, beautiful, blonde hair. Kind of crazy, but cool because I'm able to think back about the movie and how cool it really was to watch.
I would have never thought in a million years that I would sitting on the west coast of the U.S writing this blog and enjoying life at 23 years old. God is so faithful and amazing that He is just blessing the socks right off me. God's intentions are to bless the socks of your feet. Whether it's to bring someone in your life and find true love, like Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks, or whether it's to bring you to places that you can't even imagine of going to, or let you sit on someones deck and blog about His love and how faith He really is in your lives. Whatever God has is so much greater than you can anticipate or even think of. It says in His word that His thoughts are greater than ours and they are many of us. If you put every person's thoughts together, I highly doubt they would even equal the thoughts of God towards us, His beloved really are. I know my beloved, Jesus, loves me and in this life that's all that matters. When we allow Jesus to love us, we can love Him back with nothing to hold us back. We won't be rejected from His love. His love is never-ending and unconditional.
I want to get to a point in my life where I can walk in His love all the time. I'm not there yet, but I strive. Striving is all that matters right now, in my life. My heart has been readied for things in my life and I am completely open to what God has for me. It's amazing to be at a point in my life where I can say in confidence that God is the love of my soul, no offense can come my way, no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and delighting myself in His love, He will and has promised me the desires of my heart. It's a good place to be in and soak.

I never thought I would be in Seattle Washington and just even on the west coast of the U.S in general, but God did and that's the coolest part of my life. Greater things are yet to come my friends....

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