Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I'm diving deeper and deeper

Today I said "see ya later" to a sister in the Lord. Eleanor from my ministry team just left today to go home to New Hampshire and get ready for the next season in her life. She is attending college on the 16th of August and she plays Field Hockey; so that's why she is leaving early for her freshman year of college at Gordon University in MA. I hope sometime to visit her while she is out there. Anyway, God has just been digging in my heart. If you can, humor me a little bit. Imagine a sandbox with tons of brown and tan sand. Imagine all of the sand in a big, square, red sandbox. The red sandbox represents my heart and the sand represents the inner things of my heart. If you've ever played with sand or played in a sandbox, you will know that the sand gets everywhere and goes everywhere. It has multiple amounts of little tiny pebbles and stones in it that are ground up to be really soft when you step in it or play with it. When it's wet you can create sand castles and when it's dry you can't really do anything with it. Keep imagining this okay?! When sand is wet you can create a lot of things with it. I remember being 5 and 6 years old and playing with my sister at a beach and making sand castles and buildings. It was fun, but you had to have the sand wet. God showed me that I need to be wet in my heart for Him. The sand in my heart needs to be wet; if you're still imagining this with me :) The sand in my sand boxed heart is wet and God is going deeper. For this entire summer, God has been wetting my heart and digging junk out of my heart. When you play at the beach or in a sand castle, you'll find many hidden things randomly through out your sand area. In my heart, I had many hidden things that God was digging and pulling up and out. Some of those little things or big things that were in my heart were bitterness, hatred, unforgiveness, shame, condemnation, guilt, loneliness, conditional love, rejection, and lust. Those were just a few to name. My heart had to be wet in order for God to dig into it. My heart was hardened and dry. Life was being sucked out of me and I thought I was okay in life and had everything all set in my life. I was wrong. Soon as I started this ministry on a team that supports each other, God tore those deceivement walls down and broke my heart open and down poured on my heart. The wetness symbolized the river of God to me. The wet sandbox in my heart is being remolded to be a different foundation for my life. That foundation of sand is developing right now into a foundation of a rock. Somewhere in Exodus, it says roughly that we can stand on God and he is our rock and fortress. I think somewhere in Psalms it says that too. The sand has turned into a solid foundation of rock. God is my rock now. I am set on a rock that can't be taken from me. The foundation can't move because it's Jesus Christ as my solid companion. Those things that were in my sandbox, my heart, God replaced them with: unconditional love, a Father's heart, fulfillment of life, peace, joy, happiness, and grace.
I want to encourage those who are reading this and say that God wants you to go deeper in Him. This whole story has taken place in my life just this past summer of 2009. It was a deliverance season for me because God wanted me to be whole again. He wanted me to know where my foundation would be made and created; in Him. He wanted me to go through this process to learn that I have been created for a purpose and my destiny is in His hands. In Jeremiah 1 it says that I was created in my mother's womb with a purpose and that God knew me before I even was created. I'm glad I know that even more so now because I was destined to be in love with God. He created me in love. My heart was destined to be God's. I want to leave a scripture verse with you so that you all are inspired to meditate on God's Word more and know His promises to prosper you and to give you a future and a hope. Psalm 73:24, "You guide me with your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny."

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