Thursday, June 11, 2009

New wine

My service team and I have been coming together for Christ. We've been meshing very well together. I'm getting very blessed. It's been a week now and we start street preaching tomorrow night in Albany, New York. It's going to be great. Please keep us in your prayers. My team is made up of amazing young people. We're here in Albany, New York to kick some butt and dig ground for Jesus Christ. We're apart of the vision of Victory Church in Albany, New York. Please take the time to pray for my team. My team's names are: Camilla, Heather, David, Caleb, Cameron, Me, Auna, and Cory. We're excited and blessed. We've seen healings, we've prophesied and have seen people being freed from bondage. It's a time to rise up and say, "Thank you Lord," and keep moving on in a mind set of Jesus' blood. We're set free because of His new wine and revelation. We are set free because of Jesus' blood. Thank you Lord.


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