Thursday, June 4, 2009


This word endurance keeps coming to my mind. I've been training myself to start running/jogging this summer. I've been very interested in running or jogging. I've had a desire to do so the past 2 years and I have ignored that desire and put my health to the side. I've decided since I've graduated college, that it's important to listen to God and keep my human temple in good health for Christ. I've started to run on the treadmill in small measures. Today I had a breakthrough though. The Lord blessed me with the endurance to run. Today, I went to the Crossings where I can run and walk outside in this beautiful park. I had the strength and endurance to run/jog today. I lasted a long time and I still need to push harder. I've been building myself up to start running/jogging without stopping because stopping just makes me feel like a failure, but I know I can do it.

Tomorrow I leave for my service trip for 9 weeks this summer. I'm excited. I'm ready to go. I get to meet one of the girls that I am going with tomorrow night. I think I meet the rest of the group on Saturday. Our service trip group called, "A-team" gets to meet our home church this Sunday. I'm getting stoked with it all! I just hope I can keep up the endurance and strength from God to keep the race that I want to win.

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