Thursday, December 31, 2009

I want more.

Don't we all want more in life? Do you ever feel like you're missing something in your life? I do a lot. I feel like I can't reach a certain point in my life without feeling satisfied. It happens a lot and the desire has increased lately. I'm in the process of figuring out what is it that I want or what I want to do. I feel like I am on the brink of something good and new this 2010 year and I'm excited about it. Essentially, I'm excited about something I don't know anything about..... yet. I think it can be revealed to me. I'm hoping for the best for this new year.
I'm not a big holiday person to be honest either. This hope for the new year is something new I'm embracing and I am very pleased to have that feeling. It's refreshing and calming. I think when it comes down to it all, I have confidence that my year is going to be good. Have you ever had that feeling too? I know it seems complex that I have peace about entering the new year, but I feel like I'm longing for something more and I feel unsatisfied. Yeah, slightly complex, but my satisfaction isn't far off or really it's within me.
What I mean by searching for something more and being satisfied at the same time is directly referencing my belief in God. I am a Christian and I would probably be classified as a radical one at that. I take the Bible as my first book of reference for how I operate in my daily activities and actions in life. Granted, no one is perfect and I am far from it. That's why I read a book that has the recordings of the most perfect being that ever walked the earth; Jesus.
So back to the satisfaction part of my life and wanting more at the same time. I would have to say that I get that peace and longing from Jesus. In the Bible, in John 6, the verses talk about how God is the satisfier of your soul and at that same time, God does give you peace in your life. In addition, He is the one that provides you with all the "bread", food, you need to keep going strong in life. That's what I'm talking about right there. I want the satisfaction that I will never go hungry when I crave for more. At the same time I can have peace about wanting more and longing too.
This longing for more has many avenues too. For example, I know a lot of people have desires and longings to see the homeless be taken care of or the sick be healed and given medicine or justice be brought to children and adults who have become victims of sexual sin. The desires and longings for something more in life can envelope into something big.
So, if you desire to see people taken care of, people be healed or justice being brought to people or just getting people the care and things they need, you have a heart for something big. I believe in every person there are those desires that exist. There is a desire for something more in you. There is a deepening love that you long for too. In John, God says He can satisfy that and through His satisfying your soul, you can provide and do good things for others. It's like the domino affect.
It's really about taking your longing and turning into the right kind of love and making it into a Love Revolution.

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